今天无意中逛到Ultraedit for Linux版本,有点不淡定了,当时在琢磨能有Linux版本,应该能移植到MAC OS X啊。果然,在UE官网看到了消息:Ultraedit for MAC OS X now in beta。
Thank you for your interest in UltraEdit for Mac! We are excited too.
As you may already know, the UltraEdit for Mac beta is well underway.
With each subsequent beta update, we will increase the number of participants involved by several hundred. This gives us fresh testers at each stage of the beta which allows us to identify and validate bug and performance fixes via a larger group as well as cultivate new feedback on new features added.
Because there are thousands of testers signed up for the beta program, you can expect to receive a notification and a download URL for the latest UltraEdit for Mac beta when it is available for testing in the near future. All beta testers will be included in the program before commercial release (planned late Nov/early Dec this year).
Thank you for your interest in UltraEdit for Mac. We so greatly appreciate your trust in IDM and your community leadership.