

Change for Change‘s Sake——企业应当阶段性的为改变而改变,以增进部门、个人间交流,增强灵活性,打碎部门、团体逐步积累的个体利益

Are You a High Potentials——

  • High Potentials的三要素:Deliver strong results-credibly; Master new types of expertise; Recognize that behavior counts
  • 养成的四因素:A drive to excel; A catalytic learning capability; An enterprising spirit; Dynamic sensors

The China Rules——

  • Understand the Market, but Work with the State
  • Adapt to Local Conditions, but Implement Global Standards
  • Pay for Performance, but Build a People-Centric Workplace
  • Drive Costs Down, but Maintain Quality
  • Recognize Complexity, but Define Clear Priorities